Do you desire to see the impossible become possible—for the supernatural to become a natural part of every day? Are you hungering deep in your inner man for something more—and you don’t quite know what that is? How would you like to be so strengthened, transformed, and empowered to walk out and see things far beyond anything you could ever imagine or desire, according to God’s mighty power?
Several years ago, Keith Miller experienced a profound prophetic encounter that caused him to press in for deeper communion with the Lord. Through that experience and the resulting years of study, he has launched his school on the Fullness of the Holy Spirit. Keith teaches out of a deep vein and well of revelation about the Seven-fold Spirit of the Lord of Isaiah 11:2 and Revelation 4:5.
The Holy Spirit desires you to live daily in the fullness of the Lord so that Jesus will receive glory and honor through His great power working in and through you. Jesus said to the Father, “As You sent Me, Father, send them!” (John 20:21). God will empower you, just as He did Jesus, to walk out the fullness of your destiny, with that same unlimited anointing of the Holy Spirit! (John 3:34). This fullness is available to every believer, for we have inherited the blessing and privilege to know the mysteries, secrets, and thoughts of God (Rom 8:16).
Through this school:
◊ Learn how to awaken every day in a fresh anointing, and live as an overcomer.
◊ Learn how the Lord releases and activates the seven-fold functions and expressions of the Holy Spirit in your life daily.
◊ Learn how those functions and expressions flow through your life.
◊ Understand how to ascend new realms of your destiny by operating out of the fullness of knowing God.
◊ Come to a greater and deep unto deep understanding of the Seven Fold Spirit of God.
◊ Learn how to move and flow in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit!
◊ Learn how to live out of a deep place of maturity of the Holy Spirit and develop the mature stature of Christ in you!
◊ Walk out your destiny and ascend to new levels with Him.
◊ Enter into a deeper level of pressing into Him.
◊ Learn how God releases a divine impartation for your destiny and how He equips you for your destiny in Him.
◊ Partake of the mysteries of the Kingdom.
◊ Learn how to move in the breaker anointing.
◊ Learn how to demonstrate the Spirit of the Lord through your life not in word only, but in a demonstration of the Spirit that will cause people to declare that surely God is with you.
◊ Learn how to tap into the endless supply of fresh oil!
◊ Learn how to move into the breakthroughs for the future.
Are you Hungry to know the holy spirit?
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