
Keith & Janet

Articles / Praise the Lord for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit among His people

Lord, thank You for a mighty outpouring marked by miracles, signs, and wonders—displays of Your power that leave us in awe.

Praise the Lord for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit among His people—kindling faith, inspiring hearts, and breathing life into His body. He is releasing new expressions of His power and love; stirring us to renewed vision, hope, and strength; and infusing us with zeal and boldness to proclaim the good news and spread His name around the world.

We have a profound sense that the Spirit is doing something new, something fresh and deep. It’s time for hearts that were once lukewarm to ignite with love for Jesus. Minds that were once dull and distracted will become sharp and focused on the Kingdom. Bodies that were weary and worn down will now stand tall, filled with supernatural strength. Where apathy lived, the Spirit will spark fervor. Where weakness reigned, He brings might.

Lord, thank You for a mighty outpouring marked by miracles, signs, and wonders—displays of Your power that leave us in awe.

Thank You, Lord, for an increase of the gifts of prophecy, visions, dreams, and healing.

Thank You for the lives that will be utterly transformed by Your grace.

The Holy Spirit is equipping and mobilizing the church for action. A sense of purpose grips young and old alike. No more complacency or idle sitting. God is issuing a renewed call—to preach the gospel, to make disciples, to feed the hungry, to free the oppressed.

When the Spirit of the Lord moves, we will see outbreaks of joy and laughter as the Spirit breathes new life into dusty bones.

The Spirit is moving mightily among us. Let us stand in awe, throw open our hearts and hands, and invite Him to move mightily in this season. Yes, Lord! We thank You for the days ahead. We thank You for a move of the Holy Spirit!

The Lord is good!

Keith & Janet

Prev:   Encountered a tremendous, tangible release of the Majestic Realm of the Lord’s Glory.