
Keith & Janet

Articles / Encountered a tremendous, tangible release of the Majestic Realm of the Lord’s Glory.

Hello Precious Partners,

It has been a little while since I have last written you, but the ministry is as busy as ever.  Over the last several months we have seen and encountered a tremendous, tangible release of the Majestic Realm of the Lord’s Glory. I'm so grateful for how He comes into our meetings. In His presence, all kinds of things take place. Just last night, the Lord woke me up and spent several hours sharing with me about the Realm of His Majestic Glory. Inside this place, an incredible depth of the Lord's love, peace, and joy is established deeper within us. The Bible calls this being rooted in and built up in Him.

As I write this, I pray for a new level of overflowing love, peace, and joy in your life and home.

Recently in our meetings, I have been overwhelmed by the tangible presence of the Lord. At our last meeting, a lady came in late during the last session and all she could say was that the presence of the Lord was so tangible. As soon as I walked into the room, the presence overwhelmed me as well.

This is so important because this is where the deep calls to deep. It is an amazing place of divine transfer from Him to us as He settles Himself upon us. It is where you can clearly hear and encounter the Shekinah Glory of our Lord.

As a partner, you play a part in each life that is impacted. You help to establish destiny in people that will influence generations. This is my understanding of how profound the Majestic Realm is - when He chooses to settle upon a meeting like this, it is none other than the open gate of Heaven. As His presence rolls in (this is the image the Lord showed me of what it looks like when He comes into our midst), I am convinced we will begin seeing even more signs, wonders, and miracles break out.

In His presence is perfect love, and perfect love casts out all fear. It's the deepest place of love that releases an anchoring of peace and brings His joy. I want to emphasize the point about casting out fear. In the last meeting, I asked on Saturday morning how many had slept well that night, and almost all hands went up! People began to share that it was amazing how good they slept and how refreshed they felt—exactly because of the presence of the Lord in the meetings.

Over the past year, a deeper sense of awe has settled within me about the presence of the Lord. Oh, let us never take His presence for granted or become familiar with it; but in awe, may we always be filled with worship and adoration! I could share so much more about this as the Father continues to teach me. I am gaining a clearer understanding of when He comes in the meetings.

We have been experiencing an increase of His Glory in the schools for many months now, and I believe His continual presence is a sign that He is pleased. Lives are being forever changed! God’s people are being equipped, empowered, and activated in the deep realms of His glory.  Many are saying that they haven’t encountered this strong of an anointing in years.

 A pastor wrote, “in our “Glory and Power” meetings this past week, Revivalist Keith Miller brought us to the throne of God’s majesty. He received a visitation of the Lord whereby the LORD showed him a vision of His majesty. Though we were few under the power of Christ’s glory, the presence and flow of the Holy Spirit in “Glory and Power,” filled the house. Each one who was seeking Him and looking for His appearance in visitation, revival, and harvest, received and were encouraged.”

I could share many more testimonies but my purpose in this letter is to give you an idea of what you are a part of with us. I can’t say enough how much your support means as we continue doing His work. Thanks to your help, I was recently able to minister via livestream to a school in Australia on the Seven-Fold Flow of the Holy Spirit. There were many churches, ministries, and businesses represented there. The impact of this meeting will be tremendous as the fruit keeps accumulating. We are all part of what takes place through these lives for the kingdom of God. We are part of a legacy that will last for years and generations to come.

Isn't that awesome?

We have also recently expanded our media outreach to radio and now broadcast to three million plus people!

Please know how very grateful to the Lord we are for you. As I write these letters, I always think about how you are a part of this with us. We couldn't do what we are doing without you. Your financial support is so important to us - you are a gift from the Lord to this ministry and to Janet and me. Your giving enables us to be about the plans of our Father for the advancement of the Kingdom. Please never underestimate the power of your giving for the work of the Lord. You are amazing, dear, friends and so special to us!

We believe that in your sowing, you will reap a great Harvest and see His every promise fulfilled in your life. We believe our Father has so many great things in store for you. We ask that the abundance of His word and His promises will be poured out upon you and your household. We declare by the power of the word that an abundance of favor will be over your life and extend to your family, your work, your ministry, your health, your finances, the choices you make, and in your dreams. That you may be aware of  your divine destiny in Him.

We declare that you and your household will know supernatural strength with promotion and divine protection.

We declare that everything you put your hand to would be blessed of the Lord so that all He purposes for your life and your family's lives will come forth and be blessed.

We declare that you will prosperous and be successful. New things are opening for you.

We declare that the Lord is multiplying the abundance of your finances.

We declare that every negative word spoken over you, any curse or evil word that would bring harm to you or your household, is now broken in the mighty name of Jesus.

We declare a fresh anointing of refreshing, strengthening, inspiration, and fearlessness for a great harvest in your life and the supernatural realm of breakthrough for you and your household.

We love you and are so incredibly grateful to the Lord for you,

Keith & Janet

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